Guest talk by Dr. Lukas Lanza

Output reference tracking for unknown continuous-time systems with arbitrary relative degree is under consideration. The control objective is to keep the tracking error within predefined time-varying bounds while measurement data is only available at discrete sampling times. To achieve the control objective, a two-component controller is constructed. One part is a recently developed sampled-data zero-order hold controller, which achieves reference tracking within prescribed error bounds. To further improve the control signal, the system dynamics is explored via input-output data, and a data-driven MPC scheme based on Willems' fundamental lemma is included as the second component.
Lukas Lanza received a Bachelor’s degrees in Physics and Philosophy from Westfälische Wilhelms University Münster in 2015, and a Master’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Hamburg in 2019. In his master thesis, he developed an observer design for nonlinear DAE systems. In 2022, he defended his dissertation at the University of Paderborn, which was supervised by Thomas Berger. Topics of this thesis were high-gain control with guaranteed output constraints, filtering for output tracking without derivative information, and applications to multibody systems. Since 2022, Lukas Lanza has been working as a Postdoctoral researcher in the group Optimization-based Control of Prof. Karl Worthmann at TU Ilmenau. Currently, his research focuses on safe data-driven control, predictive control with guarantees, and learning-based control, with applications to maglev trains, electrical drives, and energy systems.