Poster @ L4DC 2024
- conferences

The 6th Annual Learning for Decision and Control Conference took place in the mathematical institute of the University of Oxford and provided the opportunity for Dieter Teichrib to present his poster on paper “Piecewise regression via mixed-integer programming for MPC”. It contains a new method for finding global optima in piecewise regression problems, which is subsequently applied to fit neural network based explicit MPC solutions.
He was accompanied by Janis Adamek, who took the chance to find new ideas by following the interesting poster sessions, keynotes and oral presentations. The beautiful conference location provided a good opportunity to connect with other researchers working in the intersection of machine learning and control and discuss interesting research questions.
Contact Dieter for further details or have a look in the paper:
D. Teichrib, and M. Schulze Darup. Piecewise regression via mixed-integer programming for MPC, 10th International Conference on Control, 6th Annual Learning for Decision and Control Conference (L4DC), 2024.