Alina Müller B.Sc.
Email: alina2.muellertu-dortmundde
Room: Maschinenbaugebäude 2, Raum 312

Research contributions
- Robot trajectory adjustment
Teaching support
Fundamentals of Robotics
Application of Robots / Automation and Handling Systems
Simulation & Programmierung von Industrierobotern
Further information
10 | 2020 - today: Master Studies, Technologiemanagement, University of Stuttgart
11 | 2017 - 04 | 2018: Internship at Mercedes Benz in Berlin, Section Rail
10 | 2016 - 10 | 2020: Bachelor Studies, Logistics, University of Dortmund
M. Neuhaus, S. Kollan, J. Bickendorf, and A. Müller, Methodology for choosing the best suitable strategy of robot trajectory adjustment, in Proc. of the 52nd International Symposium on Robotics (ISR), pp. 273-279, 2020. ISBN: 978-3-8007-5428-1