First IFAC HTML-newsletter
- activities

IFAC stands for the International Federation of Automatic Control. It is concerned with automatic control and its representation in engineering and science as well as the impact of control technology on society.
The IFAC Newsletter Task Force has been established through a motion during the council meeting at the virtual IFAC World Congress 2020. The task force started its work in October 2020 under the lead of Moritz. Further members are Frank Allgöwer, Anne Koch (both University of Stuttgart), Eslke Haberl (IFAC Secretariat), Dimitri Peaucelle (IFAC Secretariat / LAAS-CNRS), Hideaki Ishii (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Marzia Cescon (University of Houston) as well as Nils and Philipp. During some meetings in 2021, the task force discussed multiple ideas for a novel concept of the IFAC newsletter, which has so far been send out bimonthly via email as a simple PDF-attachement. The members decided to first leave the PDF-newsletter as it is, but to provide the related email in a more informative, attractive, and entertaining form.
The new HTML-based email summary, which is first provided for the Februar 2022 issue of the newsletter, presents abstracts of the newsletter’s articles in a corporate design. In addition, two novel features are now part of the email. First, the IFAC Espresso will briefly inform about current motions, decisions, or events relevant to the majority of IFAC affiliates. Second, each email will come with a control-related cartoon provided by Brian Douglas from Engineering Media. The task force is very happy about this new collaboration and looking forward to many entertaining cartoons.