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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Intensifying research on encrypted control for multi-agent systems

Team upgrade

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Portrait of Philipp Binfet © Privat
Philipp Binfet, so far working as a student assitant in our group, becomes a research assistant. Congratulations Philipp!

Philipp already supported our research on encrypted control under the supervision of Nils and Moritz. He even contributed to the conference article below. As a research assistant, he will continue his work in this exciting field of research and, in particular, focus on new schemes tailored for multi-agent systems.

K. Tjell, N. Schlü­ter, P. Binfet, and M. Schulze Darup, Secure learning-based MPC via garbled circuit, 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021. Preprint: arXiv:2112.03654