Paper @ virtual NMPC 2021
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We show that exact solutions to nonlinear MPC problems for a special class of bilinear systems can be obtained by solving a finite number of convex linear MPC problems. Such results, that provide convex reformulations of non-convex MPC problems, are rare and highly non-trivial. The underlying reformulation is realized through exact state linearization and supported by special biquadratic stage costs. While such stage costs are unusual, we show that they preserve beneficial properties such as positive definiteness and that they allow for meaningful tuning. Contact Manuel for further details or have a look at the paper:
M. Schulze Darup, M. Klädtke, and M. Mönnigmann, Exact solution to a special class of nonlinear MPC problems, in Proc. of the 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC), pp. 294-299, 2021.