Three papers and two invited sessions @ ECC 2022
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Nils presented our paper on "Encrypted extremum seeking for privacy-preserving PID tuning as-a-Service" in one of two invited sessions on "Security, resilience, and privacy for cyber-physical systems" partially organized by our group. Furthermore, Dieter and Nils presented our papers on "Tailored max-out networks for learning convex PWQ functions" and "Convex reformulations for a special class of nonlinear MPC problems".
Contact Nils, Dieter, or Manuel for further details or have a look at the papers:
N. Schlüter, M. Neuhaus, and M. Schulze Darup. Encrypted extremum seeking for privacy-preserving PID tuning as-a-Service, 20th European Control Conference (ECC), 2022. Preprint: arXiv.2207.04442
D. Teichrib and M. Schulze Darup. Tailored max-out networks for learning convex PWQ functions, 20th European Control Conference (ECC), 2022. Preprint: arXiv.2206.06826
M. Klädtke and M. Schulze Darup. Convex reformulations for a special class of nonlinear MPC problems, 20th European Control Conference (ECC), 2022. Preprint: arXiv.2206.08617