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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Towards encrypted cloud-based control-as-a-service

First PhD thesis handed in

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Nils' artistic illustration of his PhD thesis.

Nils Schlüter handed in the first PhD thesis of our young research group entitled "Towards encrypted cloud-based control-as-a-service". Congratulations!

Nils started his PhD "journey" under the supervision of Moritz four and a half years ago at Paderborn university. End of 2020, they both transferred to TU Dortmund, where Moritz founded the RCS group. Along with this first PhD thesis, we establish a new tradition at our chair. In fact, every thesis will be "completed" by a piece of art of the author. Nils has set the bar high with a painting depicting, among other elements central to his thesis, clouds and spies. We wish Nils all the best for his next step at Beckhoff Automation and are looking forward to the thesis' defense!