The group has a long and vivid history including some changes of focus. It traces back to the chair for machine parts and handling systems under the lead of Prof. Dr. Willibald Kreis († 30 | Sep | 2003). Afterwards, the focus shifted towards industrial robotics under the new lead of Prof. Dr. Bernd Kuhlenkötter. Finally, automatic control became the group's main focus, where the transition from robotics to control coincided with the interim professorship of PD Dr. Jobst Bickendorf. Since 2020, Prof. Dr. Moritz Schulze Darup is leading the group and sharpening its profile towards innovative control for cyberpyhsical systems.

The evolution of the group and its various denominations (in German) are summarized below.
Period | Denomination | Head of the Group |
04 | 1984 - 03 | 2005 | Lehrstuhl für Maschinenelemente, ‑gestaltung und Handhabungstechnik (MGH) | Prof. Dr. Willibald Kreis |
04 | 2005 - 03 | 2015 | Lehrstuhl für Industrielle Robotik und Produktionsautomatisierung (IRPA) | Prof. Dr. Bernd Kuhlenkötter |
04 | 2015 - 09 | 2020 | Lehrstuhl für Regelung und Automatisierung von Produktionsprozessen (RAP) | PD Dr. Jobst Bickendorf |
since 10 | 2020 | Lehrstuhl für Regelungstechnik und cyberphysische Systeme (RCS) | Prof. Dr. Moritz Schulze Darup |